2013-present: Professor, Thammasat University, Faculty of Dentistry
2009-2013: Associate Professor, Thammasat University, Faculty of Dentistry
2006-2009: Assistant Professor, Thammasat University, Faculty of Dentistry
1997-2006: Faculty, Thammasat University, Faculty of Dentistry
1992-1997: Faculty, Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Dentistry
2018-2024: Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Thammasat University
2020: Acting Dean, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University
2014-2017: Vice Dean for Research, Thammasat University, Faculty of Dentistry
2022: ASEAN-US Science Prize for Women 2022, Honourable Mention Senior Scientist
2020: National Outstanding Researcher Award (āļāļāļ§āļāļĒāļāđāļāļāđāļŦāļāļāļēāļ)
2019: Platinum Education / Research Development Category Winner, Global Inventors &
Innovators Network Awards 2019, London, United Kingdom
2019: Special Recognition Award, Global Inventors & Innovators Network Awards 2019,
London, United Kingdom
2019: Gold Medal and Special Prize from World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA), ICOH Mobile Dental Unit
2014: Distinguished Alumni Award, Prince of Songkla University
2013: Distinguished Alumni Award in Academia, Faculty of Dentistry Prince of Songkla University
2012: Gold Medal, Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) for Virtual Reality Dental Simulation
2012: Gold Medal, Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) for Intelligent Posture Trainer
2012: Inventors Award, from National Research Council of Thailand, for the work on DentSim-VR: Intelligent virtual reality for clinical training in dentistry
2009: Best paper award, the 20th SEAADE Annual Scientific Meeting
2008: Gold Medal, International Federation of Inventor Association (IFIA) for Computer Implemented Invention (held in China)
2007: Lady Prize for the Best Women-Invention, International Federation of Inventor Association (IFIA) (held in Taiwan)
2007: Inventors Award, from National Research Council of Thailand, for the work on
COMET: A collaborative intelligent tutoring system for medical problem-based learning.
2001: Outstanding academic performance award, The James A. Linen III Prize, Asian Institute of Technology
2016: Patent: Siriwan Suebnukarn, Peter Haddawy, Phattanapon Rhienmora. Intelligent Virtual Reality for Dental Skill Training (No. 49083)
Suebnukarn S. (2013) Dental Informatics. Thammasat University Press, ISBN 978-616-314-
Suebnukarn S. (2009) Clinical skill development in dentistry: Ergonomic approach. Thammasat University Press, ISBN 978-974-9900-75-8
Suebnukarn, S. (2010) Intelligent tutoring system for medical problem-based learning. In
Nata R.V. (Ed.) Progress in Education, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-161122572-3,
pp. 233-302.
Suebnukarn S. (2009) A Collaborative Medical Case Authoring Environment Based on the
UMLS. In Hijon-Neira R. (Ed.) Advanced Learning. INTECH. ISBN: 978-953-370-010-0, pp.
Thanathornwong B, Ouivirach K, Wuttisarnwattana P, Wongsapai M and Suebnukarn S. Enhancing Periodontal Treatment through the Integration of Deep Learning-Based Detection with Bayesian Network Models. The 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE2024), Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece, 25-29 August 2024.
Wongsapai M, Jaidee E, Thanathornwong B, Suebnukarn S and Wuttisarnwattana P.
RISKOCA: a Smartphone-based Digital Platform for Oral Cancer Self-examination. The 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE2024), Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece, 25-29 August 2024.
Wuttisarnwattana P, Wongsapai M, Theppitak S, Ittichaicharoen J, Warin K, Thanathornwong B and Suebnukarn S. Precise Identification of Oral Cancer Lesions using Artificial Intelligence. The 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE2024), Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece, 25-29 August 2024.
Thanathornwong B, Treebupachatsakul T, Teechot T, Poomrittikul S, Warin K, Suebnukarn
S. Temporomandibular joint disorders multi-class classification using deep learning. The 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo 2023), Sydney, Australia, Jul 8-12, 2023.
Warin K, Vicharueang S, Jantana P, Thanathornwong B, Suebnukarn S. Deep learning for
midfacial fracture detection in CT images. The 19th World Congress on Medical and Health
Informatics (Medinfo 2023), Sydney, Australia, Jul 8-12, 2023.
Thanathornwong B, Suebnukarn S. Improving Postural Balance in Dentoalveolar Malocclusion Patients using a Vibrotactile Posture Trainer Device The 17th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo 2019), Lyon, France, Aug 25-30, 2019.
Suebnukarn S. University graduate startups strengthening research capacity and capability:the case of Thammasat University. The 14th Annual Strategic Summit for the Advancement of University Excellence in all its Forms, QS-APPLE 2018, 2123 November 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Suebnukarn S, Srinaprom D, Poolthananunt P, Rangsantham P, Wongsapai M. Interoperability Evaluation of a Mobile Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record. The 94th International Association for Dental Research General Session & Exhibition, June 22-25,2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Dwisaptarini A, Suebnukarn S. Development and Face Validation of a Minimally Invasive
Caries Removal Simulator With Haptic Feedback. The 94th International Association for
Dental Research General Session & Exhibition, June 22-25, 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Thanathornwong B, Suebnukarn S, Klatt P. A Bayesian-based Decision Support System for
Assessing the Need for Orthodontic Treatment. The 94th International Association for Dental Research General Session & Exhibition, June 22-25, 2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Thanathornwong B, Suebnukarn S. The improvement of dental posture using personalized
biofeedback. The 15th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo 2015),
SÃĢo Paulo, Brazil, Aug 19-23, 2015.
Rhienmora P, Haddawy P, Suebnukarn S, Shrestha P, Dailey MN. Recognizing Clinical
Styles in a Dental Surgery Simulator. The 15th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo 2015), SÃĢo Paulo, Brazil, Aug 19-23, 2015.
Suebnukarn S. Construct validity and expert benchmarking of the haptic virtual reality dental simulator. The 36th Asia Pacific Dental Congress (APDC 2014), Dubai, United Arabs Emirates, 17-19 June, 2014.
Wongsapai M., Suebnukarn S., Rajchagool S., Kijsanayotin B. Health-oriented Electronic
Oral Health Record for Health Surveillance. The 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (Medinfo 2013), Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 20-23, 2013.
Suebnukarn S. Recognition of Clinical Process in Dental Virtual Reality Environment. The 7th Asia Pacific Association of Medical Informatics Conference, Oct 22-25, 2012, Beijing, China.Suebnukarn S., Thanathornwong B., Wongsapai M., Dental Informatics. The 21st Thai Medical Informatics Association Annual Meeting, Nov 21-23, 2012, Thailand.
Suebnukarn S. Decision support systems and knowledge representation under uncertainties. The 20th Thai Medical Informatics Association Annual Meeting, Jan 26-27, 2012, Thailand.
Thanathornwong B., Suebnukarn S, Songpaisan Y. An electronic instrumentation for predicting musculoskeletal disorders among dentists. The 25th IADR-SEA Annual Scientific Meeting, Oct 29-30, 2011, Singapore.
Thanathornwong B., Suebnukarn S. An electronic instrumentation for predicting musculoskeletal disorders among dentists, The 10th Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand Academic Meeting and Research Presentation, Oct 13-14, 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
Suebnukarn S, Yamaguchi T. Endodontic Training on Haptic Virtual Reality using Micro-CT
Tooth Models. The 89th International Association for Dental Research General Session &
Exhibition, March 16-19, 2011, San Diego, LA.
Suebnukarn S. Intelligence clinical training systems. The 19th Thai Medical Informatics Association Annual Conference, November 10-12, 2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
Suebnukarn S, Haddawy P, Rhienmora P, Jittimanee P, Viratket, P. Augmented feedback
from haptic virtual reality for dental skill acquisition. The 88th International Association for
Dental Research General Session & Exhibition, July 14-17, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Phattanapon Rhienmora, Kugamoorthy Gajananan, Peter Haddawy, Siriwan Suebnukarn,
Matthew N. Dailey, Ekarin Supataratarn, Poonam Shrestha: Haptic augmented reality dental trainer with automatic performance assessment. IUI 2010: 425-426
Suebnukarn S, Haddawy P, Rhienmora P, Gajananan K. Haptic Virtual Reality for Clinical
Skill Acquisition. The 20th SEAADE Annual Scientific Meeting, November 23-24, 2009, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Best paper award)
Suebnukarn S, Songpaisan Y, Phantumvanit P. Clinical Skill Acquisition through Problembased Learning and Haptic Virtual Reality. The 6th International Conference on PBL in Dentistry, November 13-15, 2009, Hong Kong.
Suebnukarn S, Phatthanasathienkul N, Sombatveroje S, Rhienmora P, Khanal P, Haddawy
P, Dailey M. A Process-Outcome Study of Expert and Novice Clinical Performance. The 87th
International Association for Dental Research General Session & Exhibition, April 1-4, 2009, Miami, USA.
Suebnukarn S. Process and Outcome Measure of Experts and Novices Clinical Performance, The 9th Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand Academic Meeting and Research Presentation, Feb 18-20, 2009, Rayong, Thailand.
Suebnukarn S, Rungcharoenporn N, Saengsuratham S. A Decision Support Model for Assessment of Endodontic Treatment Outcome, The 86th International Association for Dental Research General Session & Exhibition, July 2-5, 2008, Toronto, Canada.
Suebnukarn S, Haddawy P, Sitthiseripratip K, Rhienmora P, Intelligent virtual reality for clinical skill training, NECTEC Annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. NECTEC, Volume 14,
No.74 (Nov-Dec 2007) p. 23-25.
Inglam S, Suebnukarn S, Tharanon W, Sitthiseripratip K (2007) Effect of marginal bone loss
on bone strains around implants placed in grafted maxillary sinuses: 3D-finite element
analysis, International Bone and Dental Technology Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand.
Inglam S, Suebnukarn S, Tharanon W, Sitthiseripratip K (2007) Biomechanical Analysis of
Implants Placed in Grafted Maxillary Sinuses. The IADR-SEA, Bali, Indonesia.
Suebnukarn S*, Haddawy P (2007) Predicting students' actions in web-based problembased learning. The 85th International Association for Dental Research General Session and Exhibition, New Orleans, USA.
Suebnukarn S*, Haddawy P, Songpaisan Y, Phantumvanit P, Suksudaj N, and Chetpakdeechit W (2005) A Bayesian Network Clinical Reasoning Model for an Automated PBL Tutor. The 4th International Symposium on Problem-Based Learning in Dental Education, Thailand.
Suebnukarn S*, Benjasupattananan S, Songpaisan Y, and Phantumvanit P (1998) SATV and
GPF in Dental Education. The 9th Annual Scientific and General Meeting South-East Asia
Association for Dental Education. Malaysia.
Suebnukarn S*, Koonthongkaew S, and Yapong B (1997) Correlation between the Bacterial
Culture Result in Root Canal and Postobturation Evaluation. The 12th International Association for Dental Research Southeast Asian Division. Thailand.
The 3rd International Conference on TU Health Science (ICTUHS): The Future of Health
Science: Integrating AI, Big Data, and Inclusive Education for Universal Well-being Conference, Topis: Artificial Intelligence and its Influence on Dental Education and Student Learning, 30-31 May 2024, Thammasat Medical Skill and Education Center (TMEd), Thammasat University
The 5th International Conference Brawijaya Dentistry (ICBD), 5-7 October 2023, Faculty of
Dentistry Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia.
The International Scientific Forum XIII 2022 (FORIL XIII 2022), 8-10 December 2022,
Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo), Jakarta, Indonesia.
Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Environments for Surgical Training, 17 January 2022, HanseWissenschaftskolleg - Institute for Advanced Study (HWK), Delmenhorst, Germany.
The 3rd International Symposium on Asia AI (AI for Life during & after COVID-19), Keynote
Speaker Thammasat AI Initiative 17 November 2021, Hosted by Faculty of Data Science,
Musashino University and Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Thailand.
Global Smart Education Conference (GSE) 2021 - Smart Learning and Futures of Education, Intelligence clinical training during the COVID-19 pandemic 18-20 August 2021, Beijing, China (Hybrid).
The THE Asia Universities Summit 2021, Panel Discussion What is the role of universities in
supporting the SDGs? Are Asian universities making this a priority? (2 June 2021), Fujita
Health University, Aichi, Japan (Hybrid).
The 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
(2021), Keynote Speaker Intelligent Clinical Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic (30
June - 3 July 2021), Thammasat University, Lampang Campus, Thailand (Hybrid).
The 15th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing and International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things (2020), Keynote Speaker Intelligent Clinical Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic (18-20 November 2020), Bangkok, Thailand (Online).
The Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2020, Plenary Lecture Artificial
intelligence and its influence of dental education and student learning (8-12 January 2020), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
The Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) 2020, Panel Discussion Gathering evidence on student learning (8-12 January 2020), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine,
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
The 2nd TCI-TRF-Scopus Thailand University Consortium, Evidence-based Policy Making
for Research Plan: A Case Study from Thammasat University (5 July 2019), Bangkok, Thailand
The 21st Anniversary Global Inventors & Innovators Network (GWIIN), Conference, Showcase and Awards Ceremony 2019, Intelligent Clinical Training Systems (27 June 2019),Arab British Chamber of Commerce, London, United Kingdom
The IEEE 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Social Sciences
(ICETSS 2017), Intelligent Clinical Training Systems (7-8 August 2017) in Asian Institute of
Technology, Thailand
The 3rd Dental Research Exhibition and Meeting (DREAM), Virtual reality dental
simulator (6-7 May 2016), Yogyakarta, Indonesia (http://dreamumy2016.wixsite.com/home/blank-c1pna)
The 11th meeting of the Scientific Forum, Virtual reality dental simulator (9-11 April 2015),
Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Trisakti, Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Indonesia
The 19th Anniversary of the Faculty of Dentistry Thammasat University, Dental Informatics
and Clinical Training (20 February 2015).
The 3rd National Conference on Medical Informatics and the Annual Meeting of the Thai
Medical Informatics Association (TMI-NCMedInfo 2014), Healthcare Analytics (26-28 November 2014), Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Research Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Ethical guidelines for human
subject research (6-7 March 2014), Saraburi, Thailand.
The 2nd Asian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2013), Virtual Reality Dental Simulator (31 October-2 November 2013), Phuket, Thailand. (https://saki.siit.tu.ac.th/acis2013/front/show/keynote)
The 11th Dental Faculty Consortium of Thailand Academic Meeting and Research Presentation (DFCT2013), Virtual Reality Dental Simulator (7-9 May 2013), Chonburi, Thailand
Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Virtual Reality Dental Simulator. (6-7 April
2013), Osaka, Japan.
Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Evidence-based dentistry and systematic
reviews. (12 December 2012), Bangkok, Thailand
The 19th Thai Medical Informatics Association Annual Conference, Artificial Intelligence and Medical Informatics (10-12 November 2010), Bangkok, Thailand.
Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University, Haptic dental education in Thailand. (18
January 2010), Osaka, Japan.
Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, Quality of Meta-analyses in Endodontics. (8
January 2010), Bangkok, Thailand
Intercountry Center for Oral Health (ICOH), Multidisciplinary and Clinical Skill for Dental
Operator with MSD. (2-5 February 2009), Chiangmai, Thailand.
Poverty Reduction and Agricultural Management Program, Problem-based Learning,
(13-14 November 2008), Mukdaharn, Thailand.
Thammasat University Research Forum, Intelligent Clinical Skill Training Systems, (12 November 2008), Thammasat University, Thailand.
Thammasat University Research Club, Intelligent Clinical Skill Training Systems, (8 October 2008), Thammasat University, Thailand.
Shanghai Stomatology Disease Center, Clinical Skill Program at Thammasat University
Dental School. (26 September 2008), Shanghai, China.
Intercountry Center for Oral Health (ICOH), pd Clinical skill program. (6 August 2008), Chiangmai, Thailand.
NECTEC Annual Conference 2008, "Intelligent virtual reality for clinical skill training". (25
March 2008), Bangkok, Thailand.
Health GIS 2008, Distributed educational model for medical learning and instruction.
(14-16 January 2008), Bangkok, Thailand.
Humanized health care in dentistry group, Dental Ergonomics. (2-3 October 2007) Surin,
Thammasat University (21 March 2007), Computer Applications in Health Science.
Global Engineering Production Education and Collaboration (21-25 September 2006)
Shengzen, Chaina, Web-Based Problem-Based learning.
Intercountry Center for Oral Health (13-17 February 2006), Proprioceptive Derivation Workshop.
Thai Medical Informatics Society, MED-IT (17 December 2004), Dental Informatics.
Ministry of Health, Dental health division (25 March 2001), Ergonomic in Dentistry
Asahi University (10 March 2000), Skill Acquisition Transfer and Verification.
Chulalongkorn University (24 January 2000), Vertical Root Fracture of Endodontically
Treated tooth.
Dental Association of Thailand (17 July 1998), SATV and GPF in Dental Education.
Dental Association of Thailand (16 June 1995), Endodontic Success and Failure.
Principal Investigator (2024), Deep learning-based endodontic treatment outcome prediction from periapical radiographic images, Grant: Thammasat University Research Fund, TUFT 68/2567.
Co-Principal Investigator with Yanika Kowitlawakul (2021-2023), Development and effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence -Teaching Assistance System (AI-TAS) in enhancing nursing students engagement, intrinsic motivation, and knowledge applications, Grant: MOE Tertiary Education Research Fund, Singapore, MOE2020-TRF-043.
Research Advisor for Kritsasith Warin and Wasit Limprasert (2022), A Mobile Online Platform and Deep-Learning AI for Oral Cancer Screening, Grant: Health Systems Research Institute, HSRI65-025.
Research Advisor for Kritsasith Warin and Wasit Limprasert (2021), Application of deep
learning in diagnosis of oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer, Grant: Thammasat University Research Grant, TUFT24/2564.
Principal Investigator (2017-2018), A virtual reality system for dental skill training, Grant:
Thailand Research Fund, RDG6050029.
Principal Investigator (2018), Development micro-computed tomography carious tooth model used and virtual reality for minimal intervention caries removal, Grant: National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Co-Principal Investigator with Mansuang Wongsapai (2015-2016) Development of Mobile
Health-oriented Electronic Oral Health Record for Surveillance System, Ministry of Public
Co-Principal Investigator with Bhornsawan Thanathornwong (2015), Research to develop a
personalized wireless splint for detection, monitoring and preventing bruxism, Grant: National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Principal Investigator (2015), Intelligent dental simulation research group, Grant: National
research university project, Office of the higher education commission of Thailand.
Principal Investigator (2014), Intelligent dental simulation research group, Grant: National
research university project, Office of the higher education commission of Thailand.
Co-Principal Investigator with Bhornsawan Thanathornwong (2014), Computerized models
for prediction of work related musculoskeletal disorders among dentists, Grant: National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Co-Principal Investigator with Mansuang Wongsapai (2013-2014), Research and Developing of Mobile Electronic Health Records, Ministry of Public Health.
Co-Principal Investigator with Stanislav Makhanov (2013-present), Biomedical Informatics
Excellence Center, Thammasat University.
Principal Investigator (2011-2013), Intelligent dental simulation research group, Grant: National research university project, Office of the higher education commission of Thailand.
Co-Principal Investigator with Bhornsawan Thanathornwong (2012-2013), Wireless sensor
system for monitoring and guiding dental postures, Grant: National Research Council of
Thailand (NRCT).
Principal Investigator (2011-2012), Development and evaluation of a virtual reality simulator using computed tomography models and dental surgery preoperative planning, Thailand Research Fund, MRG5480204.
Co-Principal Investigator with Bhornsawan Thanathornwong (2012), Research development of postural monitorial device for dentist, Grant: National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Co-Principal Investigator with Mansuang Wongsapai (2011-2012), Research and Developing Dental Decision Supported Health 09 (DDSH09) Program for Decision Supported in Treatment Planning, Control and Assessment of the quality in dental services, Ministry of Public Health.
Principal Investigator (23 May 2007 - 22 November 2008), Intelligent virtual reality haptic device for clinical dentistry, Grant: National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
(NECTEC) No. NT-B-22-MS-14-50-04.
Principal Investigator (1 October 2007 - 30 September 2008), Web-based clinical skill training in dentistry, Grant: National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Principal investigator (2000), Asahi University Research Grant, Skill Acquisition Transfer
and Verification.
Principal investigator (1997), Price of Songkla University Research Grant, Correlation between the Bacterial Culture Result in Root Canal and Postobturation Evaluation.
2015-present: Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association
2011-2016: Editor, Thai Medical Informatics Association Newsletter
2014-present: Editorial board, Srinakharinwirot University Dental Journal
2009: Guest editor, Methods of Information in Medicine, Special issue on Intelligent Clinical Training Systems.
2006-present: Reviewer: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Journal of Public Health and Development, Journal of Dental Education, Thai Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and NetMedicine (NetMed), Multi-Disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, National Conference on Medical Informatics, Mahidol Dental Journal
2006-present: Program committees: International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and
NetMedicine (NetMed), Multi-Disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence,
National Conference on Medical Informatics, the 14th International Conference on Intelligent User Interface, the 11th International Conference on Intelligent User Interface
Master Students
Dr. Chalinee Srakoopun (2023)
Dr. Natcha Suppavititpattana (2022), Thesis: Micro-computed tomography evaluation of minimally invasive root canal preparation in 3D printed c-shape canal
Dr. Aryadi Subrata (2024)
Dr. Dennis Dennis (2019)
Dr. Awiruth Klaisiri (2016), Dissertation: The Effect of Morpholine on Composite-to-Composite Repair Strength Contaminated with Saliva
Dr. Wiwiek Poedjiastoeti (2015), Dissertation: Case-based Reasoning for Clinical Decision
Support for Diagnosis of Benign Pathological Lesions of the Jaws
Dr. Ade Prijanti (2014), Dissertation: Development of micro-computed tomography caries
model for virtual reality training of minimally invasive dentistry 23
Dr. Mansuang Wongsapai (2013), Dissertation: Health-oriented electronic oral health record: development and evaluation, Best paper award, The 7th National Health Promotion and Environmental Health Congress (2014), Very good thesis award, Thammasat University (2014)
Dr. Bhornsawan Thanathornwong (2012), Dissertation: A system for predicting and preventing work related musculoskeletal disorders among dentists, Gold Medal, Seoul International Invention Fair (2012), Silver Medal, Geneva Inventions (2013)
Dr. Samroeng Inglam (2009), Dissertation: Influence of graft quality and marginal bone loss on implants placed in maxillary grafted sinus: a finite element study, Very good thesis award, Thammasat University (2010)
2006-present: PhD Thesis Supervisor, Doctor of Dental Science, Faculty of Dentistry,
Thammasat University
2021-present: Master degree in Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
2006-present: Undergrad research supervisor, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
2006-present: Master and Doctoral Thesis committee, School of engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology
2015-present: The Summer Education Camp and Education Tour, Asian Institute of Technology
2012-2014: Lecturer, Clinical decision making and clinical decision support systems, Chief
Information Officer Program, Ramathibordi Hospital.
2010-2015: Lecturer, Clinical skill development course, Intercountry for Oral Health, Chiang Mai, Thailand
1997-present: Lecturer, pre-clinical instructor in Clinical skill development for dental students, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
1997-present: Lecturer, pre-clinical and clinical instructor in Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
1997-present: Clinical instructor for 5th and 6th year undergrad students, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
1992-1997: Lecturer, pre-clinical and clinical instructor in Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Prince of Songkla University
Siriwan Suebnukarn (2005), Intelligent Tutoring for Medical Problem-Based Learning.
IM-05-01, Doctoral Dissertation, Asian Institute of Technology.
Siriwan Suebnukarn (2001), E-Collaborative Telemedicine. IM-01-11, Master Thesis, Asian
Institute of Technology.
2018-present: Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Thammasat University
2020: Acting Dean, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University
2015-2016: Vice Dean for Academic Affair, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
2012-2015: Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
1998-2000: Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University
1996-1997: Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Dentistry, Prince of Songkla
2003-present: International Medical Informatics Association
2003-present: Thai Medical Informatics Association
2001-present: International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society
2008-present: Dental Informatics online community
1992-present: Thai Dental Association
1995-present: Thai Endodontics Association